Tattoo Itching – What Causes It and How to Soothe?


Itching is an integral part of the overall tattoo healing process. After a week or more, you will feel like itching the tattoo. But you need to hold on to your temptations. At times, people who have reached the peeling state want to tear their skin apart.

You know you must never pick tattoos, but that begs an important question: How long does the itching continue?

Most tattoos are itchy for two weeks maximum. Once the skin cells heal and the scabs fall off, you should not suffer from itchiness. Even though rare, a few people admitted experiencing itching months after a tattoo session.

The following write-up specifies why a tattoo itches and what can you do about it.

Why Does a Tattoo Itch?

The experts providing the best tattoo numbing cream in Australia said that before you can cure the itch, you need to figure out what caused the itching in the first place.

1.      Normal Healing

A tattoo itches because it is healing. Resist the temptation to scratch. The itching generally starts a week after you get inked and goes for another week. The scabs and skin start peeling by the end of the stipulated period. Whatever you do, make sure never to pick or pull the loose pieces.

Picking or pulling the scabs and scratching the ink while it is still fresh can distort the appearance of the overall design and cause scarring.

2.      Contaminated Ink

If the ink bottle is open, there is a high chance that the ink inserted into your skin is contaminated. Even the sealed bottles that claim to be sterile can have unwanted germs. You may suffer from a mild reaction or a dangerous infection. Both start with itching. To decrease the risk, appoint a renowned artist who never dumps used ink into the main bottle.

Stay away from artists who rely on deodorant to highlight a tattoo's outline. Why would you want a stick that has touched the skin of innumerable people to be rubbed against yours just before you are hit with needles? That's a recipe for disaster.

3.      Infection

Getting tattoos means repeatedly having needles jabbed into your skin at an extremely high speed. The needles may aim to inject ink, but they may also be injecting bacteria. During your visit to a tattoo studio, ensure it uses disposable needles only. The experts providing dynamic tattoo ink in Australia said that besides itching, other symptoms of infection are swelling, pus discharge, and red streaks.

How to Soothe Tattoo Itching?

For new tattoos:

  • Pat the skin gently.
  • Keep the skin moisturised by applying unscented lotions, creams, ointments, or balms.
  • Do not expose newly tattooed skin to sunlight. UV rays can increase the chances of itching.
  • Do not submerge the tattoo in water. The bacteria in pools can trigger itching.

For old tattoos:

  • Apply a cold compress. It will reduce inflammation and stop the itchiness right in its tracks.
  • Oatmeal baths can provide the utmost relief from itching. The colloidal oatmeal binds to the skin to form a protective barrier. It holds in moisture and soothes irritation.
  • Keep the tattoo moisturised even after the skin has healed fully.

Tattoo itching is a common side-effect that generally subsides after a week or two. But sometimes, a late-stage allergy may occur. If your tattoos are hot, inflamed, and covered in red rashes, you must contact a doctor immediately.
