Eating Before a Tattoo Session: Know the Dos and Don'ts


Are you planning on getting inked? If yes, you know you must pay close attention to the length of the session, the artist's experience, design placement and detailing, and cost. But, were you aware that while preparing the pre-tattoo to-do list, you must also find out what you can eat and what you need to avoid? The foods in your system impact the tattoo experience, so please be careful. Now check out the following write-up for further information.

Avoid a Drinking Spree

According to the top tattoo supply companies, alcohol dehydrates human skin and thins the blood. During the tattoo session, the last thing you would want is to bleed abnormally. Seeing a little blood and plasma is natural. Caffeinated beverages can also dehydrate and make you fidgety. You cannot feel restless when someone is attempting fine line work or drawing something permanent on your skin.

But Guzzle Sufficient Water

Drink lots of water. If you are dehydrated, your skin will look withered, so start chugging water from the day before the appointment and make your body a better canvas. Water also enhances stamina, so bring a bottle to the session. Hydrated skin does not reject ink. The needles also go in and come out smoothly. The different ointments and lotions can also keep things moisturised.

Carbs are Beneficial, But Not Excessive

Never overload on sugar as it makes you more fidgety than the third cup of coffee. However, most artists ask their clients to bring candies to normalise their blood sugar levels. You also do not pass out on seeing needles and blood. The night before the appointment, consume carbs. Go for the good stuff such as bread, rice, pasta, cereals, oatmeal, lentils, peas, beans, etc.

Eat Protein like Cavemen

Protein allows the body to heal. Your skin and muscles can benefit from that additional serving of chicken or beans. If you have protein-rich foods before and after a tattoo session, your body will bounce back in no time. While not always immensely painful, tattoos are a trauma that your body has to recover from.

No Salt and Dairy

End your love affair with cheese right now. Consuming dairy and even salt can force you to bloat and change the feel and look of the skin. If you are bloating or retaining fluid when getting a tattoo, the tattoo will not look the same after your skin shrinks back. It would look a tad inflamed or stretched.

The experts providing the best tattoo equipment Australia said you must eat at least an hour before the session. A meal full of vegetables and protein is best. Apart from the nutritional benefits, it will not make you nauseous – a bonus when you are queasy around needles. Have you been thinking of packing snacks? Talk to your artist first. Peanut buttercups would not be a great move if the artist is allergic, and a bag teeming with fast food is plain aggressive.
