How to Manage Tattoo Pain? Consider the Top Six Tips


The age-old adage “no pain, no gain” is accurate when you are getting tattoos. No matter how small or simple a design, it is bound to hurt a little. But, having the right knowledge and implementing a few tricks can streamline the session to a great extent. For further details, please continue reading.

1.      Talk to an Expert for the Peace of Mind

The best way to get ready if you never got inked before is by getting rid of the mystery that shrouds it. If you walk in the studio all anxious, the procedure is going to be a lot more painful. To feel relaxed, talk to an expert, who has been in the body art industry for a long time. He or she will inform you what the procedure entails for the peace of your mind.

2.      Learn where Tattoos Hurt the Most and the Least

Choose a location on the body after much thought. The bony areas or the areas with abundant nerve endings like the underarms, fingers, face, groin, breasts, spine, ribcage, etc. will hurt the most. On the other hand, the areas with muscular tissues and fatty padding like back, chest, arms, legs, hips, etc. will hurt the least.

3.      Learn which Designs Hurt the Most and the Least

All the tattoos will not have the same effect. For example, a semicolon is going to hurt less than an elaborate tribal motif. Studies have shown that black & grey tattoos are not as painful as multi-coloured ones. This is because, in case of the latter, the artist has to go through their work numerous times.

4.      Ask a Family Member or Friend to Come Along

Invite a family member or friend that you trust the most to accompany you. They will be able to distract you when the artist jabs the needles into your skin. They may also say some words of encouragement that will help you manage the pain without any hassle. That being said, never ask a whole gang of your friends to come along because the artist may feel disturbed.

5.      Chew or Squeeze Something

Chewing or squeezing something so that the muscles in the area you are not getting a tattoo on gets tensed is a proven way of reducing pain. This technique is also used by women in labour. Most studios have items that you can use but are free to bring your own stress ball, soft candy, mouth guard, wooden spoon, or towel.

6.      Opt for a Numbing Cream

Many artists apply anesthetic gel to alleviate the pain. You will not feel the needles going in and out of the skin, thus, enjoy the experience. The tattoo numbingcream in Australia are considered the best. It gets absorbed quickly, the effects stay throughout the session, and thanks to lack of harsh chemicals, it does not cause any allergic reaction.

Following the aforementioned discussion with utmost caution will help you survive the tattoo pain seamlessly, and you will remember the experience with a smile on your face, not tears in your eyes. Now that is great. Also, pay close attention to the aftercare so that the discomfort after etching design is minimal.
