Tattoo Aftercare Guide 101: The Six Mistakes to Avoid

So you have got a visually appealing and meaningful tattoo from the best artist in your locality. Now make sure to take proper care of it or else be prepared for infections. Besides staying away from the sun and applying a thin coat of moisturising lotion, you must not commit the below-mentioned mistakes. This will ensure quick healing. Please check them out right now.
  • 1.      Using a Loofah

The experts offering tips on tattoo aftercare Australia said you must be cautious when washing and cleaning the concerned area. Rubbing it with an abrasive sponge or loofah will cause the ink to leak or distort the design. You also would want to scratch off the scabs that unnecessarily prolong the recovery and may leave behind an undesirable scar.
  • 2.      Touching the Tattoo

Although you may feel the urge to touch your tattoo, better leave it alone for a couple of weeks. Of course, you have to touch the area when cleaning and applying sunscreen, but do not sit and pick the scabs because you are bored. Also, ask your friends and family members to keep their dirty hands at bay.
  • 3.      Shaving

If you got a tattoo on the leg, you might wait at least a month before shaving it. Yes, you cannot take any chance. The razor may cut the newly etched skin causing bleeding, and provide access to the harmful germs. As stated earlier, leave the tattoo alone as much as possible.
  • 4.      Exercising

You can carry out the day-to-day chores without any hassle but do not hit the gym unless the tattoo has completely healed. The designs that encompass spacious areas or are near the joints do not heal fast. If they moved too much during rigorous workout sessions, they will surely crack or turn irritated.
  • 5.      Swimming

Submerging that tattoo in water is prohibited. If you do so, the ink may leak. So, avoid taking dips in a pool, Jacuzzi, spa bath, and hot tub. If you are feeling hot, take a light shower. When cleaning the etched area, cup water in your hands, and pour on top of it.
  • 6.      Wearing Sandals

The professionals offering quality yet affordable products of tattoo aftercare Australia said design on foot must be protected from the dust and dirt under all circumstances. When going out, put on the loose tennis shoes, and not sandals. Never opt for tight footwear because they may rub against the skin and obstruct proper recovery.
By avoiding the mistakes stated above, you are allowing your tattoo to heal and the traumatised skin cells to repair themselves in absolutely no time. Not paying attention to the artist’s instructions will compel all of your money spent to go down the drain. If anything seems a tad bit suspicious, please call the studio or go straight to the emergency room. Prevention is always better than cure.
